42,100 pounds of beer spilled in Colorado, a semi had to use the emergency ramp in Wolf's Creek Colorado when his brakes failed

July 19, 2017 0 Comments

The 25-year-old driver managed to get on the second ramp he passed — which also happened to be the last ramp before the road, called Wolf Creek Pass, got really involved.

“He handled that truck like an absolute champ,” Smith told the Herald, adding that “the beer was just absolutely everywhere. It was pretty hilarious.”

In June, the Colorado Department of Transportation launched the “Beware the Wolf” campaign to warn truck drivers of the risks involved in traveling Wolf Creek Pass, considered one of the worst mountain passes for semi-trucks.

the truck left the highway to use the emergency ramp, and everything was fine until it began to roll back down the hill and the beer over powered the trailer door when momentum took hold.

 I don't see any load bars.

the event was caught on dash cam, https://durangoherald.com/articles/173012-semi-truck-spills-42-100-pounds-of-beer-on-wolf-creek-pass


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.